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Bad habits can make you infertile

People think they need some incredible treatments or drugs before they can get pregnant. But in most cases getting pregnant can be as simple as getting the timing right, avoiding the substances which harm your fertility and embryo and eating the right food from the...

Medication & Conditions

Common drugs & conditions could be affecting your fertility Unless your doctor informed you about it, the likelihood of you knowing which common drugs could be affecting your fertility is probably very small. What to do? Healthy pure diet and lifestyle promote...

Chemicals and Fertility

Acupuncture on its own is  helpful in enhancing how your body works but it also helps to do the best you can yourself by paying close attention to what we expose our bodies to on a daily basis with Chemicals and fertility. There is growing scientific evidence...

How does acupuncture help with Fertility?

https://youtu.be/G87SfHPHj0A Watch a film about the history of acupuncture I am asked many times,” How do we become pregnant” or “How do I become pregnant”  with fertility acupuncture ? The following information regarding fertility acupuncture treatment should...