by michaelgormanacupuncture | Apr 20, 2022 | Treatments
EFT addresses the mind body connection. It involves tapping lightly on specific points on the body’s energy pathways (meridians). Depending on the presenting issue I decide which method to use so we can clear the negative and traumatic emotions in a gentle and...
by michaelgormanacupuncture | Apr 6, 2022 | Treatments, Uncategorized
Our clinic carries a huge volume of test vials which we use to help us find food intolerances and allergies patients are suffering with. By using our special kinesiology techniques we can isolate foods that may be causing skin, digestive or other painful conditions...
by michaelgormanacupuncture | Apr 6, 2022 | Treatments, Uncategorized
Treating children can be done with or without needles and can help with things such as motional regulation, digestion/constipation, trauma, and sometimes even cognitive...
by michaelgormanacupuncture | Apr 6, 2022 | Treatments, Uncategorized
Usually patients we treat suffering from trauma approach us after they have tried many different types of conventional and non conventional forms of treatment that have not helped with their condition. Our initial approach is very delicate so as not to cause the...
by michaelgormanacupuncture | Apr 6, 2022 | Treatments, Uncategorized
In our experience people suffering from stress will sometimes turn to conventional medication which in most instances only dulls the condition . Our approach to helping the patient is to first find the root cause ( if the problem is internal) and correct it with our...
by michaelgormanacupuncture | Apr 6, 2022 | Treatments, Uncategorized
Are you or someone you know stuggling with pain? Are you fed up with taking medication which does not seem to help? Have you tried acupuncture before and it did not help? Although our Acupuncture clinic in Solihull, Birmingham is well know for fertility treatment we...